Why Facials Scare Me And Honeybees Don't

I have a huge confession or maybe it's an admission, either way it may come as a shock to some who have relied upon our expert advice on skincare that I do not get professional facials. Nope, I prefer to do them on myself and in the privacy of my home. I had a facial...once. It was such a traumatic experience that I never went back and vowed to learn how to care for my own skin at home so I would never have to face another cold extraction or the promise that my skin would glow. I always thought a glow was a positive thing, not so if your face looks like a piece of raw meat that could be fed to the tigers at the zoo.

Now, I'm not saying that facials don't work for people or that all facialists are horrible scary people with steel metal instruments coming at your face with the same expression the witch in Hansel and Gretel had as she concocted recipes for little children. Not saying that all at. I'm saying, that's how I felt. I was left with broken blood vessels, some scar damage, and extremely raw, red skin that took a couple of weeks to heal. It was too much for me and I can't fathom ever going back, even to the best celebrity facialist that offered to do it for free! (Well, maybe if Marion Cotillard's facialist insisted on giving me a free facial.) 

I kept hearing from friends that I was just unlucky or went to the wrong place, but the fact of the matter is that I have sensitive skin that will easily scar. Such is the case of most Latina skin, which has a tendency to discolor and suffer more minor trauma because of the active melanin in our olive tone skin types. This is also the case for African American, Asian, and Indian skin, all prone to scarring easily and a long turn around in healing. I became an expert with my own skin and paid attention to what caused me irritations, (talc in conventional cosmetics, fragrance) and what calmed my sensitive skin (good eating, Vitamin E, and healthy doses of zinc and omegas). I also realized I didn't need to go to a facialist to care for myself, it was something with a little time and patience I could do myself, at home.

I have begun to treat my skin to flower and herbal facial steams to swell my pores open and help detoxify with healing plant essences. I have also given myself bio active face masks to bring all the bacterial, grit, and grime to the surface. I find that enzyme based exfoliation with a mix of gentle fruit seeds doesn't cause my sensitive skin any damage and helps to remove any blackheads very easily. We at La Bella Figura have created a new formulation for one of the most effective skin treatments I've ever tried. A manuka honey mask with a therapeutic activity rate of 15+ that serves to detoxify and exfoliate all in one treatment. I find it so soothing and calming, especially if I've had a stressful week, which no doubt will show up on my skin instantly. The healing and curing ingredients that are in this face mask are all natural and in combination work like a charm! I look forward to my evenings when I'm working late, answering emails or reading, to apply the mask and leave it on for 20 minutes because I know the manuka honey is working just as hard as the honey bees that made it to exfoliate dead skin cells and repair stressed tissue. When I rinse it off (which rinses quite easily and without any tacky residue) I can automatically see a freshness or brightness of clean and happy skin! We are so excited to bring you a new product with huge healing benefits working to make your skin even more beautiful with the rest of the La Bella Figura line. Our herb and flower facial "teas" will also be here just in time when your skin needs it most and we think you're going to love them. Just like everything we do and create they are little luxuries made from the best nature has to offer us. Coming this Fall!


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